“Baltic Pride 2019: Promoting LGBT* Human Rights through Nordic – Baltic Cooperation” 2018 06 – 2019 06

The project “Baltic Pride 2019: Promoting LGBT* Human Rights through Nordic-Baltic Cooperation” is a collaboration of Baltic LGBT* advocacy organizations LGL (Lithuania), Mozaika (Latvia) and the Estonian LGBT Association with Nordic partners Amnesty International Denmark and SETA (Finland). Organizing Baltic Pride 2019 activities, the Nordic and Baltic experts cooperate to achieve the following goals:

  • Consolidation of a sustainable long-term regional partnership.
  • Assessment of the current LGBT* human rights challenges in the Nordic-Baltic region with an emphasis on the similarities between the countries rather than the differences.
  • Promotion of active participation and decision making in relation to the Baltic Pride festival.
  • Consolidation of regional partnership potential in addressing LGBT* human rights challenges in participating countries through sharing specific knowledge and best practices.

This projects’ aims will be reached through activities that assess human rights challenges, promote active participation and facilitate the sharing of expertise:

  • Joint workshop “LGBT* Human Rights in the Nordic-Baltic Region” with one panelist from each organization discussing the most pressing LGBT* human rights challenges in the region and identifying the most suitable advocacy and awareness raising strategies, organized on June 7th, 2018 during Baltic Pride in Riga (Latvia).
  • Working session in Vilnius (Lithuania) in September 2018. Two representatives from each partner organization will discuss logistical aspects of the Baltic Pride 2019 festival as well as the respective roles of each partner organization. This also serves to ensure knowledge transfer from the Nordic to the Baltic partners and to set future goals for cooperation.
  • Joint workshop during the international Baltic Pride 2019 human rights conference in Vilnius (Lithuania) on the negative phenomenon of anti-LGBT* hate crimes and hate speech. At least one participant from each partner organization attends to share best practices in relation to counteracting this negative phenomenon in contribution to the general theme of the conference.

Upon implementation, these activities will result in:

  • Increased coherence among the regional partners in developing corresponding awareness raising, advocacy and community building activities in relation to the social and legal LGBT* realities in the region.
  • Enhanced potential of the established Baltic Pride framework of regional cooperation through documenting current cooperation modalities and exploring possible avenues for further improvements.
  • Positive impacts on the LGBT* human rights situation in the Nordic-Baltic region through the increased capacities of the key LGBT* human rights organizations in the Baltic States in developing corresponding awareness raising, advocacy and community building activities.
  • Increased synergy, understanding and communication among the partner organizations from the Baltic States and the Nordic countries.


Partners Working Session in Tallinn, Estonia: Promoting LGBT* Human Rights through Nordic-Baltic Cooperation (Twitter)


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