On January 23, Members of the European Parliament, representatives from European Institutions, Member State governments, and civil society organisations met at the European Parliament for the launch of the first LGBTQI Inclusive Education Index and Report, created by IGLYO – The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer & Intersex (LGBTQI) Youth and Student Organisation. The

Eglė Kuktoraitė, Communications Coordinator of the National LGBT* rights organization LGL, participated in a kick-off meeting for the international project “E.T.Ho.S: Eliminating Transphobic, Homobophic and Biphobic Stereotypes through Better Media Representation“, held on 5th-6th of February, 2018 in Athens (Greece). During the „E.T.Ho.S” project kick-offf meeting, project partners discussed future activities and finalized plans for

2017 LGBT* Rights in Lithuania Overview: Challenges and Victories

As we begin another year of LGBT* human rights activism, it’s important to stop for a moment to assess what the LGBT* rights movement in Lithuania was able to achieve in 2017, and what political and social circumstances will continue to impact our community this year. 2016’s parliamentary elections, and the “peasants” and “social workers”

On September 1st, 2017, Lithuanian schools adopted a new General Program for Health, Sexual Education and Family Planning, which, among other things, prevents the provision of physically or psychologically harmful, incorrect, biased or one-sided information, as well as that which encourages dissatisfaction with one’s body, appearance or sexual orientation, or discourages acceptance of these traits.

IT Companies Remove up to 99% of Reported Homophobic Hate Speech in Lithuania

The third evaluation of the European Commission’s Code of Conduct on countering illegal online hate speech carried out by NGOs and public bodies shows that IT companies remove on average 70% of illegal hate speech notified to them across Europe. In the course of the current monitoring exercise, which took place in November-December, 2017, the

Nominations Open for Most Notable Human Rights Initiatives of 2017

From January 15th, the public is invited to submit candidates for the National Equality and Diversity Awards. Each year, this ceremony honors people, organizations, and initiatives deserving recognition for their work in the field of human rights in Lithuania. The Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson Agneta Skardžiuvienė believes that the awards ceremony, which has already become a

Belarusian activist: Russian repression is good for Lukashenko

Originally published on manoteises.lt Winter is an especially busy time for human rights activists, with lots of significant days, events and news to be presented to decision makers. This isn’t always easy in Lithuania, but in Belarus, it’s even more difficult, especially in the context of the worsening situation to the East. As Barys Zvoskau

Safety at School for Every Student: Possibility, or Utopia?

In Summer 2017, the National LGBT* rights organization LGL carried out an anonymous survey that gathered responses from 580 LGBT* high school students between the ages of 14 and 18. In their survey responses, the students revealed what is taught in Lithuanian schools and what LGBT* adolescents still in the process of discovering their sexual

In James Martin’s 2017 book Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community can enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity in 2017, the Jesuit priest shares his memories of the terrorist attack that took place in a gay club in Orlando, Florida in 2016, killing 49 people. As millions

Minsk replaced its pride parade with a festival – and it worked

Judging from the 2016 Baltic Pride parade in Vilnius, Lithuania has finally became a country where the LGBT* community no longer has to jump through legal hoops at the last minute when they want to throw a party. Unfortunately, neighbouring Belarus doesn’t have as much to celebrate – but this doesn’t mean that the country’s