Another Exciting Year for the “E.T.Ho.S” project

The European project E.T.Ho.S -Eliminating Transphobic, Homophobic and Biphobic Stereotypes through better media representation aims to address the long-lasting negative stereotypes and prejudices against LGBT+ people in the E.U. For this reason, its objective is to educate  and raise awareness among journalists and media students in order to combat the phenomenon of Transphobia, Homophobia and Biphobia (HBT) in the media and in particular about the direct or indirect (re)production of harmful stereotypes against LGBT+ people.

The project is implemented in 3 countries (Greece, Croatia and Lithuania) and is funded by the Rights, Equality, Citizenship Programme of the European Union.

Project Coordinator is KMOP-Social Action & Innovation Centre from Greece, while partner from Croatia/Lithuania/Greece is {put the name of your organization}

The selection of the 3 partner countries was based on the findings from a survey about LGBT people in EU conducted by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights. This survey shows that 60% of respondents in Croatia and 48% in Greece and Lithuania have been discriminated against or harassed on the grounds of their sexual orientation.

The activities of E.T.Ho.S include the Development of an LGBT Media Reporting Guide for media professionals and students, training for journalists and media students, advocacy and lobbying on LGBT+ rights and the elimination of discrimination against LGBT+ people, and awareness raising on HTB Media discourse.

Expected results

E.T.Ho.S aims to increase awareness and knowledge among media professionals and students about non-discriminatory representation of LGBT+ people in Media,  to increase awareness about the phenomenon of homophobic, transphobic and biphobic media discourse among decision makers, professionals and the public, and to improve the representation of LGBT+ people and rights by media and political parties.

In the next months training to media professionals and students are going to be conducted. Stay tuned…

For more information please visit:, {organization’s website} and our Facebook page E.T.Ho.S EU.

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