Representatives of LGL participated in the “Colourful Childhoods“ interim partners‘ meeting in Sofia

On 7-8 February 2023 Vladimir Simonko, Executive Director at the National LGBT rights organization LGL and Eglė Kuktoraitė, Communication Manager, participated in the interim partner meeting and training for trainers of the project “Colourful Childhoods”, which took place Palermo (Italy).


„Colourful Childhoods“ focuses on violence against LGBTIQ children in vulnerable contexts. Colourful Childhoods aims at preventing and combating all forms of violence against LGBTIQ children in vulnerable contexts related to the Covid-19 pandemic. A child-centred perspective and intersectional approach will be key to increase children’s empowerment, as well as their resilience.

The project’s aims will be achieved through a mix of interdisciplinary methodology and a participatory approach, in a 4-stage process. In stage 1, the project will develop a needs assessment of violence and well-being of LGBTIQ children in each country involved in the project.

249844413_2809502622675308_6887543548661823307_nThe project „Colourful Childhoods“ is funded by the CERV-2021-DAPHNE Programme of the European Union.